The Pelican's Nest is a one bedroom quest house located on the grounds of Casa Tortuga Villa. It occupies the second floor of a two story casita. The Pelican's Nest is 20' X 36', and is furnished in exotic antiques and stained and beveled glass. It has a semi-circle Italian balcony overlooking the Caribbean Sea, and a Parisien wrought iron balcony overlooking the gardens. All of the French windows and doors are hand hewn. The private staircase leading to the beveled glass entrance door on the second floor, continues on to the third floor roof patio, which has a gazebo in the center surrounded by arches, and is ideal for viewing sunsets and relaxing.

The living room at the Pelican's Nest has a full kitchen in one corner area, and the dining table has a round glass top supported by three elephants with their trunks raised. The four Parson dining chairs are covered in tan cleopatra suede. The sofa is also a Queen sleeper, and the two large chairs on the end of the sofa are covered in black and tan tiger design velvet.

The coffee table is an antique carved trunk from India. The eight foot wide screen behind the sofa was painted by a renowned Aspen artist, Cami Thompson. It is an island rainforest scene of scarlet macaws, pink spoonbills, and a pair of pelicans, like the ones that greet you on our dock when you return from your fishing excursions!

The living room draperies are made of soft gold dupioni silk, with large tassel tiebacks. The chandelier in the kitchen has three monkeys holding candelabras with black shades. A larqe ornate mirror stands above the entry table. The unique sconces flanking the entrance door are Italian silk cones with tassels, from Venice.

The bedroom has a king bed with a stained glass half canopy and side curtains. The armoire has a color TV with a remote control. The bath has a washer/dryer and a jacuzzi tub.

The Pelican's Nest has a beautiful view of the reef directly in front and for three hundred feet to the left, which is sand and palm trees. On the right side of the Pelican's Neat is Casa Tortuga Villa. Our dock is 100' to the right of the house.

For rates, click here.

For those who need larger accomodations, click here for information on Casa Tortuga, our main villa.

For more information contact:
Peggy Mason
P.O. Box 4044
Aspen Colorado 81612

Phone: 970-274-8383

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